Monday, June 11, 2012

Starting over...yet again...

It makes me laugh because the title is a horrible self help book in "Sex and the City" but it's so true to me right now.

I had the my boys, Lucas and Logan, December 6th 2012...and it's been up and down ever since. I'm determined to stop the vicious cycle...this time for good.

Posting here always helped me before...don't ask me why I didn't start sooner.

I'm definitely facing a whole new list of struggles...finding the time to work out with 4 little children and a husband who works an opposite shift of me...a herniated disk in my back from my last pregnancy and was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalsia. But I'm determined to overcome those and not use them as excuses or crutches anymore. I'm sick of being uncomfortable in my own the time to change is most definitely now.